Songwriters: Entries Needed for Anti-Bullying Song Competition
Songs must contain a strong anti-bullying message, demonstrate originality and impact and must appeal to children and young people.
The winners will perform at the finalists' concert in July and the primary and secondary winners will record their song at The Stables studio.
CDs of the winning songs will be distributed with a teaching resource to all schools in the county to support Northamptonshire's anti-bullying strategy.
The competition is open to all children and young people under the age of 18 and entries must be submitted by Friday 4th May 2012.
You can enter in two ways - record your song on a CD and send it in the post, or record it onto a mobile phone and email it.
The following details are required:
- Name of individual or group
- Title of song
- Name of school/academy
- Name of contact person
- Address
- Contact telephone number
- Email address
Entries should be sent to Jo Wood, Anti-Bullying and Equalities Officer, Learning Skills and Education, c/o John Dryden House, 8-10 The Lakes, Northampton, NN4 7YD or on email to
Songs that have plagiarised melodies or songs will not be considered.