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County Cricket Final

Our Year 9 & 10 cricketers were awarded for their sporting efforts at the county’s cricket final.

Our Year 9 & 10 cricketers were awarded for their sporting efforts at the county’s cricket final.
Our boys’ Under 15s team did KSA proud and were awarded runners-up medals after putting up a good contest against Bishop Stopford School in the Chance to Compete series at the Northamptonshire final.
PE Teacher Mr William Baines said: “The boys played extremely well in both games in the final and lost after a very tight game against Bishop Stopford School.
“The boys all had a great day and did really well for their first set of games as a team for The Academy.”

Please click here for the full cricket match report by Year 10 Student, Ben Richards

Pictured above: Sam Houghton and Sven Sartain batting against Bishop Stopford