Teresa qualifies for a medical placement in India

You will be aware that each year there are opportunities for older students to fundraise for overseas experience, last year a large number of students went to Peru once they raised the money themselves to get there.
You will be aware that each year there are opportunities for older students to fundraise for overseas experience, last year a large number of students went to Peru once they raised the money themselves to get there.
Year 12 student Teresa is raising money for the funds she needs to attend a two-week work experience placement in India. Although the placement includes the flight costs, Teresa still needs to pay for insurance, visas and injections, with an estimated cost of £2,500.
Teresa is working hard in order to study medicine at University and needs to gain work experience in the profession. She said ‘It is very difficult to get any sort of medical experience in the UK. Head of Sixth Form Ms Jane Watson sends us many work experience opportunities and I saw one for medicine.
‘The fact that it is abroad is a bonus, as I will get to experience the culture and the different medical structure. I have never been to Asia and would like to eventually work abroad’.
During the trip, Teresa will work in a semi-modern 400-bed hospital where she will be able to spend time in a variety of departments including Surgery, Maternity, Intensive Care and Tropical Diseases.
To raise funds for the work experience placement, Teresa has held many events within the Academy, she said ‘I’ve been working part-time to raise money and have held weekly cake sales at the Academy and sold sweets in the interval of the Academy’s performance of Oliver!’
‘I will also be holding an Easter egg raffle, which I will draw on the last day of term.’