Red Nose Day - Friday 24th March
On Friday 24th March, KSA will be celebrating Red Nose Day by holding a mufti day. All staff and students can wear their own clothes for a £1 donation.
On Friday 24th March, KSA will be celebrating Red Nose Day by holding a mufti day. All staff and students can wear their own clothes for a £1 donation. The money raised will be split towards Comic Relief and The National Autistic Society as World Autism Awareness Week takes place from 27th March– 2nd April.
Red noses have been on sale in the library and there will also be a range of stalls available on the day including leg waxing and a cake sale. To end the day students have the opportunity to attend a concert last lesson in the hall from 2.15-3.20pm. The concert has been organised by a group of BTEC music students as part of their course and any students wishing to attend must buy a ticket from reception. Tickets are £1 and the money will go towards Comic Relief.