Carnegie book event
Recently KSA Carnegie book club joined other local schools to celebrate the CILIP book awards.
Recently KSA's Carnegie book club joined other local schools to celebrate the CILIP book awards.
The book club has allowed the students to ‘shadow’ the judging process for the Carnegie awards since Easter as part of the reading for pleasure initiative.
To celebrate the highly prestigious awards coming to an end, the schools gathered at Kettering Bucclough Academy to take part in a range of themed activities and watch as the winners were announced.
They played Carnegie top trumps, redesigning alternative covers for the shortlist books and took part in a quiz all about the book titles. Rebecca won the quiz and received a £5 gift voucher.
The students also discussed and reviewed the eight books they had read over the twelve weeks since the shortlist was announced. They then had ten points to allocate to the books based on the criteria the judges were using to see if they could predict the winner. To end the day, the students watched the live announcement of the CILIP awards 2017 to see if they had predicted the winners correctly.
Head Librarian Mrs Heidi Economou, who has been involved in running the Carnegie book club for 25 years said ‘It was a great day and the students all had so much to say about the books, this formed some brilliant debates and discussions. The students also managed to predict the winners correctly.
‘The students have all been encouraged to read books outside of their usual comfort zone as part of the club and I hope they have discovered a passion for something they weren’t expecting to.’
The 2017 winners are as follows:
Kate Greenway Medal Winner – There Is a Tride of Kids by Lane Smith
Carnegie Medal Winner – Salt to the Sea by Ruta Sepetys
Amnesty CILIP Honour, Carnegie Category – The Bone sparrow by Zana Fraillon
Amnesty CILIP Honour, Kate Greenaway Category – The Journey by Francesca Sanna