Ambition For All at Kettering Science Academy
Kettering Science Academy is the latest of our Trust schools to host the Ambition for All campaign launch. CEO Dr Andrew Campbell spoke at a series of assemblies outlining the campaign’s aims and what it means to staff and students, individually and as a school community.
Kettering Science Academy is the latest of our Trust schools to host the Ambition for All campaign launch. CEO Dr Andrew Campbell spoke at a series of assemblies outlining the campaign’s aims and what it means to staff and students, individually and as a school community.
Dr Campbell outlined the campaign which will be running in all Trust schools this academic year. Kettering Science Academy will spearhead the campaign next April when the specific focus will fall on them as torchbearers.
He told the students: ‘What I want to happen this year across all our schools is that we are not embarrassed about being ambitious. Is KSA a place that will help you achieve your ambitions? You can tell a lot from a school when you walk in, if it has got hope then it will be successful. It doesn’t take years to become brilliant if you want to. If you do something to your 70% best, then there may be a temptation for you, and for us, to say “That’s OK.” Or it may be 50% on a bad day. However that means you are only fulfilling half your ambition. We are going to care enough about you to make sure that we help you do your very best. If we all try and bring our best when we walk through the door we will have a successful experience together.’
KSA’s interim Associate Principal Tony Segalini detailed all the initiatives that KSA has put into place to support its students including residential programmes, extra-curricular activities, wellbeing initiatives and the Student Council.
He said: ‘We want to offer you the best educational facilities and teaching that we can. We want to provide some of the best teaching that I can possibly get and they can possibly do. I can happily say in my career stretching back 20 years that these are the best staff I have ever worked with. They work tirelessly to give you that experience, because they care about you.
‘We provide you with a safe environment and we offer a wide variety of opportunities. Education is not just about GCSES, it is about what you can take from school into the wider world. KSA is a school of ambition, it is a school where we want you to do the best you can. What is your ambition? Let us help you achieve it.’
The Ambition for All campaign is a single focus on improving academic outcomes and opportunities for character development that will run in all our Trust schools throughout this academic year. It applies to all areas of the Trust’s schools’ operations to ensure students receive the highest quality teaching and wider development opportunities within a supportive and encouraging environment, where adults live and breathe ambition for student success in all its forms. Implicit within this approach is a focus on the progress of disadvantaged students and of high ability students, whatever their background. As part of the Ambition for All campaign the CEO, Principal and Chair of Governors at each school will sign a pledge to be displayed prominently.