Children in Need success
This year the Academy has raised a total of £1492.53 for Children in Need.
This year the Academy has raised a total of £1492.53 for Children in Need.
The Academy held a mufti-day and a variety of events took place in the library including a cake sale, tombola and a lucky dip. Students even had the chance to donate money to wax a teacher’s leg.
Sixth Form students helped to organise the event with Librarian Jenny Brackwell and sold merchandise at a variety of functions in the run up to the day to try and get some extra donations for the charity.
Jenny said ‘Thank you to all everyone who supported the event in any way, especially those who made an effort to bake or provide cake; we sold out.
‘We also could not have organised the day without the help of some great Year 13 students who helped to organise, run and set up the different activities.’