Students inspired by The Crucible drama performance

Year 10 GCSE Drama students visited Uppingham Theatre to watch The Crucible performed by Uppingham School.
Year 10 GCSE Drama students visited Uppingham Theatre to watch The Crucible performed by Uppingham School.
The Crucible is the set text the students are currently studying as part of their coursework. They will then create their own performances of the play in Easter next year, which will then be open to the KSA students and parents to enjoy. The play by Arthur Miller is inspired by true events in Salem, Massachusetts in 1662. The story follows a collection of girls who fall ill, complaining of hallucinations and seizures. This sudden wave of illness was attributed to the Devil and his cohorts and the small, rural Puritan community was ripped apart by accusations of witchcraft.
Drama teacher Suzanna Watkinson said ‘This was a great opportunity for the students to see their set text performed and to take inspiration. We all thoroughly enjoyed the performance and were proud to support local creative arts.’