Students learn lighting technician skills

Our IT and AV technicians at KSA, Mr Michell and Mr Hawkridge, have recently led a theatre lighting workshop to teach students lighting technician skills.
Our IT and AV technicians at KSA, Mr Michell and Mr Hawkridge, have recently led a theatre lighting workshop to teach students lighting technician skills.
The session was open to students of all ages and they learnt all about the different lighting techniques including the technology of lighting, types of lights and positioning.
Due to the success of the workshop, the students will now have the opportunity to attend further practical sessions in the control room, which will allow them to learn how to use the professional lighting desk.
Drama teacher Miss Watkins said ‘The workshop is part of the Academy’s new Stretch and Challenge Programme. We hope to inspire the students’ own creative projects in the future and enable them to develop their practical creativity with a view to study GCSE and A level Drama.
‘It’s also the run up to our Ambition for All month, which takes place in April. We are trying to increase the opportunities on offer to our students and want to expose them to a variety of industries and career pathways. This workshop has allowed the students to experience the type of work lighting technicians do and give them an insight into the industry.’