Students take part in Carnegie Shadowing Scheme
A group of KSA students are once again, taking part in the Carnegie Shadowing scheme this year as part of their book club. The scheme allows the students to ‘shadow’ the judging process of the CILIP Book Awards as part of the reading for pleasure initiative.
A group of KSA students are once again, taking part in the Carnegie Shadowing scheme this year as part of their book club. The scheme allows the students to ‘shadow’ the judging process of the CILIP Book Awards as part of the reading for pleasure initiative.
Since the scheme launched at Easter, the students ranging from Year 7 -10 have been encouraged to start reading the books on the shortlist before the overall winner will be announced in June. During their weekly meeting, run by Mrs Hazelwood, the students take part in group discussions and activities.
Mrs Hazelwood said: ‘We take part in the scheme because the award is chosen by librarians that encourage children to be involved. Students are also exposed to books they wouldn’t normally choose to read and are given the chance to discuss them with their peers.
‘Sometimes the books that are chosen are about tragic events or teenage issues, which can lead to some deep discussions and interesting opinions. The students enjoy the opportunity to critique the books as some have very strong views.
‘Once again this year the students will take part in the Brooke Weston Trust Carnegie event on the day the winner is announce and this allows the students to meet others who are taking part from local schools.
‘This year we will also be looking at the books shortlisted for the illustrated award (Kate Greenaway medal) as we have some Year 7s involved.’