BRIT Kids at BWT

The Brooke Weston Trust is thrilled to have forged a partnership with nationally renowned The BRIT School to offer a tailored package of creative and performing arts classes for students aged 8 to 15.
The Brooke Weston Trust is thrilled to have forged a partnership with nationally renowned The BRIT School to offer a tailored package of creative and performing arts classes for students aged 8 to 15.
The exciting programme runs on Saturday mornings and students can attend as many sessions as they want from a wide range, including dance, singing, theatre, art club, fashion, textiles and film-making. Inspirational teachers will deliver the classes at Corby Business Academy, which has excellent art, music and theatre facilities and students’ work will be regularly showcased in performances and exhibitions.
It is the first time that The BRIT school in South London, whose alumni include globally recognised names Adele, Loyle Carner, Jessie J, Katie Melua, Leona Lewis and Tom Holland, is rolling out its well established performing arts programme in conjunction with another Trust. Its programme Director, Tobi Deeson, is working alongside Clive Wears, the BRIT Kids Director at the Brooke Weston Trust, to ensure that the dynamism and magic of the original BRIT Kids is replicated in the heart of the Midlands, bringing the same high quality teaching and learning to artists and performers from Northamptonshire and beyond.
Tobi Deeson said: ‘BRIT Kids was set up by The BRIT School in South London to offer performing and creative arts classes to the local community on a Saturday. 16 years later, 600 children participate in BRIT Kids community classes every week at the BRIT School … We are excited to announce that it is this 16 years’ experience that we’re bringing to Corby.
‘BRIT Kids is different to other Saturday schools on many different levels. Firstly we cater for all the creative arts from Theatre to Art Club, Street Dance to Film Making. This unique mix of classes offered really does mean there is something for everyone. Alongside this, we are proud to be part of The BRIT School, following its ethos for creativity, challenging our students with bespoke plays, contemporary art classes and high teaching levels with specialist equipment.’
Clive Wears said: ‘BRIT Kids is community based and is a hive of activity so that is what we will be offering here. It is a very exciting concept to bring to Corby and it will be absolutely brilliant. We have eight classes lined up for September and are recruiting really experienced and enthusiastic practitioners to deliver them.
'The Arts Music and Industrial Design Faculty at Corby Business Academy has great resources and will host the majority of the classes, alongside the main theatre, lecture theatre, dance studio, drama and media suites. Classes start on 29 September and we can’t wait to get started and bring the vibrancy and expertise of the BRIT brand to this area. At the heart of this will be a thriving sense of community, creative energy and excitement as we encourage each other to experience new challenges and have fun every step of the way.'
Autumn Term 29 September to 15 December 2018
Spring Term 12 January to 30 March 2019
Summer Term 27 April to 13 July 2019
Classes are one-hour long and run between 9.30 and 12.30.
For more details please download the prospectus, flyer and application form below.
If you need more information, or want to sign up, please telephone 01536 203120 or email
Visit the BRIT Kids website here.