Best-ever GCSE results at KSA!

Kettering Science Academy is delighted that this year’s GCSE results are the best that the school has ever recorded.
Kettering Science Academy is delighted that this year’s GCSE results are the best that the school has ever recorded. The number of students achieving five or more good passes (9 to 5 grades) including English and Maths was 33% of the 205-strong cohort. Students sat exams in 29 subjects and there were strong performances in Maths and Science, mirroring the success of the A Level cohort just a week ago.
Languages also had a good showing and were earmarked as being among the strongest performing subject. Overall the average student performance has increased by half a grade in every subject with almost 50% of students achieving a grade of 5 or more in English and Maths. The Pupil Premium figure has increased from last year, meaning that KSA is ‘adding more value’ to disadvantaged students and making more of a difference to their academic outcomes. There were strong individual performances, with the top ranked student awarded eight grade 9s and a grade 7 GCSE and many others achieving top or good passes in eight or nine subjects each. It is anticipated that many will stay on at the school for Sixth Form study.
Associate Principal Tony Segalini said: ‘Following on from the success of our A Level results I am really proud of both our students and staff at Kettering Science Academy. We have really proved that KSA has empowered them to be the best that they can be, and that this Academy provides a quality education for all students.’