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Inspirational talk for Leadership Academy delegates

Our staff,  who are on the Brooke Weston Trust's  Leadership Academy programme, heard an inspirational talk from educationalist and author Andy Buck about team-building and leadership.

Andy’s illustrious career has spanned teaching, a headship, Directorship at the National College for School Leadership, being MD of a large academy group and latterly, founder of Leadership Matters and the StARTed Foundation.

Andy Buffham, Assistant Principal at Peckover introduced him and said: ‘I went on a Teaching Leaders course and Andy did a keynote there. It really stuck with me and was inspirational. All of the things in that resonated with me over my leadership journey over the last three years, I found it really valuable.’

Andy Buck told the delegates: ‘My goal is to leave you clearer and even more optimistic at the end of the session than you are right now. I am a great believer in keeping things PITHY (Practical Ideas That Help You) so while we are going to have discussion and theory, going away with practical things that you can develop is important.’

Afterwards teacher Grace Horne, Head of Maths said: ‘Fabulous session! So many practical strategies to try out.’

Jo Evans, Head of English commented: ‘There are times when the last thing you want to do after work is CPD. And there are times when that CPD is motivating, practical (PITHY) and practice changing! Thanks Andy.’


From left: Andy Buck, Jane MacDonald Chair of the Leadership Academy Board and BWT CEO Dr Andrew Campbell.