Working From Home
From Friday 20th March KSA will be closed to most students. Please refer to the pupil page, working from home for full details and resources for your child. Pupil Page
Letter from The Principal
You can access our Principal's school closure letter here.
You should only send your child to school on Monday if you have to, because your work is critical to our COVID-19 response. If you are able to keep your child at home, you should. #StayHomeSaveLives
To access all Brooke Weston Trust communications relating to the Coronavirus and for further links and information please click here.
Oak National Academy - New Online Classroom and Resource Hub
Oak national academy is now available online with age related work provided for students. please use the following link if you wish to use this we are currently evaluating the resources on this site and further announcements will be available on this page.
Covid-19 school support resources Summary for Parents
In response to the unprecedented closure of schools to most pupils, the EEF has produced a set of resources for parents to support effective home learning. These are all based on the evidence-based recommendations in the EEF’s guidance reports. These resources outline straightforward ways in which you can identify learning opportunities in everyday routines and build them into your home life. There is also guidance for supporting your child’s behavioural, emotional and social needs at this time. Please click here to access these resources, which can be found on the parents page of the website.