New Sixth Form block takes shape and looks stunning!
Work on our new Sixth Form centre is progressing well, with the build team making great progress despite strategic complications caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.
Constructors Willmott Dixon put enhanced working practices into place to ensure social distancing and swiftly made contingency plans to ensure that supplies and contractors were safely on site so that the build was able to continue as close to schedule as possible.
BWT CEO Dr Andrew Campbell toured the site, together with Tony Segalini and Steve Barton, the Associate Principal and Chair of Governors at Kettering Science Academy, BWT’s Estates Director Matt Isherwood and Mr Chris Wickens from Northamptonshire County Council. They were shown around the three-storey ‘university style’ campus by Allun O Brien, Senior Building Manager and other representatives from Willmott Dixon.
The new centre has three storeys containing classrooms, a dining and common room, café, library and study areas, flooded with light from its glass frontages. It will enhance Kettering Science Academy’s offer to its Sixth Formers and cement the growing reputation of the school’s post-16 provision.
The delegation heard a summary report on the build so far, highlights of which included a Certificate of Excellence Award given to the site by Considerate Constructors and the positive impact that Willmott Dixon has made by spending over 5,200 hours supporting young people in careers, work experience and apprentice programmes and by donating materials to Kettering’s Green Patch charity.
Jerry Major, Regional Framework Manager from Willmott Dixon said: ‘Scape Major Works, which is the framework that the project was procured through, embeds social value, environmental and sustainability key performance indicators throughout construction schemes. An example of which on this project is the target to divert at least 95% of construction waste from landfill. Through using this framework, Brooke Weston Trust knows where every penny is going and is assured of investment going back into local businesses and communities.
‘In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, the site team has come up with creative solutions to ensure the project continues with the right materials arriving on site at the right time, as well as ensuring full adherence to social distancing and the CLC’s Standard Operating Procedures. It is a pleasure to have visited the site today with Kettering Science Academy and Northamptonshire County Council to see the high standards that are being set for our industry by our people and partners.’
Trust CEO Dr Andrew Campbell said: ‘This visit shows how well the build is progressing. We are immensely grateful to Willmott Dixon and the suppliers for being agile and compliant in their response to Covid-19. Their will to keep the build progressing will enable our students and staff to occupy this amazing space in the autumn. This visit has emphasised what a huge asset it will be for Kettering Science Academy, which is a school with very big ambitions for its students.’
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Senior Building Manager Allun O'Brien, Associate Principal Tony Segalini, BWT CEO Dr Andrew Campbell, Chris Wickens from Northants County Council, KSA's Chair of Governors Steve Barton and BWT Estates Director Matt Isherwood.