GCSE Results Day 2020

Congratulations to students collecting their GCSE results today. We are very proud of them for the way they have conducted themselves throughout this challenging exam season and we look forward to welcoming the vast majority of them to continue their studies in our developing Sixth Form.
Results showed strong performances with many students gaining top grades. We will be posting further details and individual success stories over the following days.
Secondary Executive Principal Anne Hill said: ‘This has doubtless been a challenging time for our students and schools but I hope they are proud with what they have achieved. We are so proud of them. Our staff have worked throughout lockdown to continue to deliver a high quality education and today staff will be on hand to advise students on their next steps. I want to thank them for their professionalism and hard work over this academic year, and ensuring that our students have received the grades that they deserve.’
Trust CEO Dr Andrew Campbell said: ‘Well done to everyone collecting examination results today. Our schools have delivered exceptional service in trying times and we are looking forward to our students returning to a semblance of normality in this coming academic year. This is certainly a school year like no other and I’d like to commend our staff and students for their hard work in trying and unique circumstances. Good luck to those going on to careers and apprenticeship pathways and we look forward to welcoming many of you back to our Sixth Forms very soon.’