Feel Good Friday
Feel Good Friday is Back
Friday 5th March
Please view our fabulous padlet for this week – it’s crammed full of our students' wonderful achievements and this week highlights our ‘KSA Virtual Music Concert’. Get your child to share the link found on their year group ‘Teams’ page, a huge congratulations to all involved. We also have ‘Science Week’ and we look forward to sharing what we have been up to with you again this time next week.
Have a lovely weekend – from all at KSA
Friday 26th February
We hope you are all safe and well and that your child is now mentally preparing to come back to school, we can’t wait to see them again. If you require any help or have any questions surrounding coming back please do not hesitate to contact us. No question is too small. Next week is also an exciting week as we get to know who is coming to join us in September, if you know of anyone joining us please feel free to share the ‘Feel Good Friday’ wall with them so that they can see all the things we have been getting up to.
Have a lovely weekend,
from all at KSA
Friday 12th February
We hope you are all well and safe and that this Feel Good Friday – Happiness Wall helps to bring in half term with a smile.
We continue to thank you for all of your hard work and support this term, there is no doubting that you all deserve a break.
Have a lovely week at home, from all at KSA
Friday 5th February 2021:
We hope you are all well and safe and that this Feel Good Friday – Happiness Wall finds you in good spirits. Here’s a little quote from Dr Suess to keep us focused as we head into the last week of term.
Have a lovely weekend, from all at KSA
Friday 29th January 2021:
What a week it has been, what a difference snow makes. This week we have added an extra column sharing pictures of what some of us got up to. You will also find the weekly letter from the Principal and key information as well as the regular celebration of our students achievements and efforts. We thank you for your support as we continue with online learning and should anyone require support please do make contact with us. Enjoy this week’s effort it and if there is anything else you would like to see here, please do contact us and we can try to make that happen.
Have a lovely weekend – from all at KSA
Friday January 22nd 2021:
Another week draws to a close and once again we are able to celebrate our students and what they have achieved this week. We are so impressed with their efforts and want to share them with you. We hope that if you need any additional support we can either answer your questions on here, if not then please do contact us as we will try our very best to ensure you get the help and support you need. We do hope you enjoy it and if there is anything else you would like to see here, please do contact us and we can try to make that happen. https://padlet.com/cgreaves3/o4uzevt4t9scxw9k
Have a lovely weekend – from all at KSA
Friday 15th January 2021:
Feel Good Friday – Happiness Wall and it’s got a new look. This is another tool that we can use to share key information, top tips on wellbeing, celebrate students achievement and effort as well as keep up to date with reading.
We do hope you enjoy it and if there is anything else you would like to see here, please do contact us and we can try to make that happen. https://padlet.com/cgreaves3/o7ogqrbv5nouiwox
Have a lovely weekend – from all at KSA