Friendly Rivalry In Inter-House Competitions
Last week saw Key Stage 3 students in the five Houses go head-to-head in their year groups in games of bench ball and football and a quiz.
Franklin topped the scoreboard, with three wins across the year groups.
The winners were:
Year 7
Bench ball: Franklin
Football: Franklin
Big quiz: Hawking
Year 8
Bench ball: Hawking
Football: Franklin
Big quiz: Socrates & Sanger
Year 9
Bench ball: Socrates
Football: Sanger
Big quiz: Socrates
With the Key Stage 4 competitions under way during Tutor Time this week, there is much at stake as each House tries to take the lead.
There will be an overall prize at the end of the year for the House which wins the most.
Year 10 student Laura Dixon said: "There is a lot of competition between the Houses and everyone wants to win. I think our biggest rivals are Da Vinci.
"I enjoyed the competitions because it's better than staying in your form room and because I like doing things like basketball and football."