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Job Prospects For Students At Speed-Matching Event

Year 11 students who are thinking of entering training or full-time employment when they have finished their studies this summer have been invited to a special event this week.

Connexions has teamed up with firms and training providers to hold the event on Thursday (May 12th) when students can meet employers who are looking to recruit young people.

Just like speed-dating, students will have three minutes to chat to employers, to talk about themselves and answer some questions.

In addition, students will be able to find out about job vacancies in the area and the training that's on offer.

It is a chance for Year 11s to gain experience in job interviews and meeting local employers -

Connexions staff will be on hand to help.

Those taking part will be in with a chance of winning an iPad or a set of driving lessons.

The Speed-Matching event takes place at the Corn Market Hall in London Road, Kettering, from 2.30pm to 5pm.

To book a place text or email your name, date of birth, contact number and the words Corn Market Hall to 07976 027147 or