Massage In Schools Programme Introduced At KSA
The internationally-used Massage in Schools Programme has been introduced this term to years 4 and 5 and is set to be rolled out across all years.
The idea behind it is that it will help children to develop better motor skills, improve social skills and teach them to care for and respect themselves and others.
It has also been found by other schools to help with the inclusion of special needs children and to help classes work together better.
Kelly Greaves, Inclusion Leader for KSA's Primary Phase, said: "The children go through a routine of 15 strokes to the head, neck, back and shoulders. It's a good way of helping them to get on with each other and they've all enjoyed it because they don't have the same inhibitions as adults.
"They have been going home and trying it on their parents and pets!
"We're hoping that it's something all children will do at the start of each day for 15 minutes - that's how it's worked successfully in other schools."