Award For Anti-Bullying Initiatives
Steps taken by the Academy have been recognised by the Northamptonshire Anti-Bullying Accreditation Programme and with a united Academy approach, the Gold Award is in sight.
In recent months, KSA has set up an Action Against Bullying Forum, which is made up of students, staff and Chair of Governors, Mr Alan Short, and the forum will monitor the Academy's policies and procedures on bullying.
To achieve the Foundation Award, the group completed a survey of parents, teachers and students to get a picture of the present bullying issues.
Special anti-bullying assemblies were presented and cards were handed out to all students, with details of who to contact if they had any concerns.
An action plan was drawn up by the group of Heroes involved in the forum, which include Year 10 pupils Charley Wood, Bronwyn Ryan, Karis Millen, Kirsten Marshall and Brittany Whitham (pictured).
The plan includes making sure all students are aware of the forum meetings, holding after-school meetings for those who have been bullied and pairing them up with someone who they can talk to.
Director of Specialist Learning, Lore McIntyre, is leading the project and she said: "We're going to attempt to go straight for the Gold Award in October because although we have already worked extremely hard to make KSA a safe environment to learn, we realise that we must be constantly moving forward and involving parents, students and staff.
"When the assessors come in, they will be looking for evidence that we are vigorous in tackling bullying."