Award For Helping Students To Aim High
Aim Higher, which encourages young people to think about higher education, awarded the prize to KSA at a recent ceremony.
Schools in Northamptonshire which have been the most active in promoting Aim Higher and the ethos behind it were invited along.
KSA's Jenny Brackwell (pictured) and Assistant Vice Principal for Sixth Form Jane Watson have led the Aim Higher programme at the Academy.
It recognises the numerous university visits that are offered to students, along with Aim Higher sessions in school including exam revision sessions and the recent ICU activities, which were designed to get students thinking about their next steps.
Mrs Brackwell said: "It's all to do with raising students' aspirations and encouraging them to think about higher education to maximise their potential, especially for those young people who might be the first in their family to go to university.
"We've got one Sixth Former going on to study at Birmingham University because we arranged a visit there and another girl whose off to the University of Northampton as a result of another visit."