Presentation For Students On Alternative Curriculum
The Alternative Curriculum was set up to offer some students more practical, hands-on lessons to engage them in learning.
Twice a week, the group has worked to complete credits towards BTECs and to achieve a number of AQAs.
They have been involved in construction projects - thanks to Willmott Dixon - and have looked at survival skills, vocational and personal development skills, bike maintenance, land-based studies, sign language and more.
Parents were invited to the presentation afternoon today (Tuesday, July 5th) where each student received a certificate.
The group that won the building project gave a presentation on its design for a car modification centre, which included aspects of health and safety and engineering.
Principal Martin Campbell told them: "This time last year we had a group of students for who we felt we were not offering the right thing - we realised we had to put in place something that was not just about qualifications, or having something to write on your CV. We wanted to give you an experience that made you want to come to school and learn.
"What we have tried to do is to put in place different learning experiences to give you the confidence to come up here and give a presentation, to go away and think you did okay this year and to give you the confidence to choose options that you can be successful at next year.
"This afternoon is about certificates but more importantly, it's about you discovering what you're good at."
Haydn Hunt is one of the students to have benefitted form the alternative curriculum. He said: "I have learnt more this way and it's helped me to express myself.
"It gave me the chance to learn more new things like sign language and how to look after yourself and others.
"It's made me calmer and has given me more confidence in speaking."