More Than 70% Of GCSE Students Achieve Five Or More A*- C Grades
The figure rose from 54% last year to more than 70% this year and is a credit to all the measures that have been put in place to offer students the best possible education. The figure for English and maths also improved, with 42% of students gaining five or more A* to C grades including these two subjects.
The Academy's specialism in science also reaped huge rewards - more than 86% of students gained two or more A* to C grades in science. Again, this was a huge improvement on last year's results and in all science subjects, KSA exceeded the national results.
Principal Martin Campbell said: "These excellent grades can be attributed to the hard work of students and staff alike and they must all be congratulated.
"The Brooke Weston Partnership has also been key to our success - the fact that we have three different academies working together to help each other has raised standards."
One of the top achievers was Christian Dobson, who gained four A*s in biology, maths, history and ICT and six As. He plans to return to KSA to study A Levels in maths, further maths, economics, physics and English literature. Christian, who was House Captain for Franklin House, said: "I was pleased when I saw my results; I have put in a lot of effort over the last few years. There's more to come with A Levels."
Also celebrating was Jatinder Singh who achieved five A*s in maths, two in science, chemistry and physics, as well as three As, two Bs and a distinction in BTEC business. He said: "I put the effort in so I was hoping to do well. I'm most happy with the science results. I'm coming back to KSA in September to do A Levels in biology, chemistry, physics, maths and further maths."
Rebecca Tailby was another success story - she gained three As in maths, English literature and German, along with three Bs in biology, physics and history.
Since the Academy opened two year ago, the number of students getting five A* to C grades have risen by 35%.