Ofsted Inspectors Highlight Marked Improvements at KSA
In the Academy's first full Ofsted report, inspectors rated nine areas to be good, including:
- The capacity for sustained improvement;
- The extent to which students feel safe;
- The extent to which the curriculum meets students' needs;
- The effectiveness of leadership and management in embedding ambition and driving improvement;
- The quality of provision in the Sixth Form.
The Academy's GCSE results this summer dictate that the overall rating is satisfactory but inspectors have said that "the progress pupils are making is satisfactory and improving securely and quickly". The report also stated: "The proportion of pupils gaining higher-level GCSEs including English and mathematics has increased and the level of qualifications gained by all pupils has also improved".
This summer, more than 70% of year 11s achieved five or more A* to C GCSE grades, an increase of around 16%.
Inspectors drew particular attention to the safeguarding measures that are in place at the Academy, the after-school activities that are available and the extra opportunities afforded to students thanks to the re-vamped curriculum in the Secondary Phase.
Inspectors reported: "Good leaders across the academy have established a clear drive for improvement and in most areas this has helped to improve provision quickly and outcomes for pupils are improving as a result."
They said that many of the actions taken by leaders "have resulted in significant improvements in teaching and the progress pupils make". Inspectors also commented on students' sense of pride in the Academy and its growing sense of community.
The Primary Phase was praised for the new programme of teaching reading and writing which has seen pupils make good progress. The International Primary Curriculum was also commended for the breadth of learning experiences it provides.
KSA's Principals said the inspectors' report reflects the strides the Academy has made and the determination by staff to provide the best possible opportunities for every child and young person.
Principal of the Primary Phase Anne O'Neill said: "During our recent Ofsted inspection pupils who conversed with the inspectors were commended for their confidence, while others were congratulated for their good behaviour. All lessons observed were at least satisfactory and one inspector commented on the 'real buzz' for learning and improvement. They recognised that children enjoy their learning and look forward to coming to school.
"Colleagues keep the children at the heart of their work and their diligence is to be applauded. They are committed to ensuring that all pupils strive to achieve their best. I am very pleased that their efforts have been recognised. We can look forward to the future with renewed energy and enthusiasm."
Principal of the Secondary Phase Martin Campbell added: "I'm delighted with this Ofsted inspection report as it recognises the journey the Academy is making towards becoming outstanding. It recognises the curriculum as good; that behaviour is good; that students feel safe and that the leadership across the Academy is driving up ambition and standards."