Student Produces First House Newsletter
He spoke to members of staff, organised photographs and designed the template to put together the first termly newsletter, which gives details of House points, events, charity news and comments from new year 7 students.
The year 11 student spent about two weeks working on the project after school and he has now been asked by Principal Martin Campbell to help the other four Houses develop their own newsletter.
James said: "I think it's a good idea because it shows the student point of view and our opinions. I hadn't done anything like this before and getting all the information together was harder than I thought it was going to be. Even just setting up a photo of the year 7s in Hawking took quite a while.
"Writing is not my strongest point - I'm better at the IT side of things - so I'm hoping it will help me with that.
"Doing things like this helps you to work more independently."