A Christmas Carol
The show on Thursday 15th December will showcase the growing talent which is being nurtured as a result of the Academy's partnership with Intersales Music Teaching.
The ghosts of Christmases past, present and future will be represented in musical form, from traditional Christmas tunes to rock songs.
It is a chance for students attending Rock School and peripatetic lessons to put into practice what they have learnt. They will be joined by Intersales' own choir, which rehearses at KSA.
The show takes place at the Masque Theatre at 7pm - tickets are £3.50 and are on sale now at KSA.
It is another example of the successful links with Intersales Music Teaching. Year 10 student Sam Docherty is studying GCSE music and receives free piano lessons thanks to the new music programme.
Sam, who has also played the guitar for five years, said: "The lessons are good, they're more laid back than piano lessons I've had in the past and it's easier to learn. Normally when you go for piano lessons, you think orchestra-style music but here you get the play the kind of things you'd choose to play."