Studying Chemistry at University
The evening visit in December was part of International Year of Chemistry 2011 and was organised by the Royal Society of Chemistry.
A group of about 30 Sixth Formers who are studying the subject at A Level were accompanied by chemistry teacher William Ballard. They were given a demonstration lecture before speaking to chemistry students and lecturers to find out what is involved if they decide to pursue their studies in this area of science.
Mr Ballard said: "The purpose of the Royal Society of Chemistry is to encourage people to study chemistry and to see a different side to chemistry. The trip showed our students the more practical sides involved and the kind of experiments they could get involved with.
"There are a couple of Year 13 students in my class who are planning to study chemistry at university and the rest have opted for science subjects. We also have quite a few Year 12s who are looking at a degree in some form of chemistry."