BTEC Inspection Highlights “Good Quality Learning Experience”
An inspector from Edexcel spent a day at the Academy last term, looking in detail at areas such as verification of assessment, assessment practice, maintaining quality, learner support and programme evaluation and improvement.
KSA is only in its second year of running a number of BTEC courses, which now include applied science, business, sport, art and design and dance.
The inspector's Quality Review and Development Report, which was published this month, acknowledged that the Academy has quickly developed a good quality learning experience, with only one action needing to be implemented.
In his report, the inspector comments: "The centre is relatively new to the awarding body and has quickly grasped the methodologies which is a credit to them. The centre provides a good quality learning experience backed up by strong robust processes which are inline with Edexcel requirements.
"This centre has come along way in the last 18 months of delivering Edexcel qualifications under the lead of a knowledgeable manager.
"Student learning needs are met utilising specialist resource and accommodation provided by the centre. Staff are suitably qualified and appear to be well supported."
James Leigh, the Academy's BTEC Co-ordinator, said passing the inspection is important because all BTECs are assessed internally. He said: "It means that standards are there in terms of quality control and that they trust our judgements in what we are doing.
"It's a success story of the last two years - our BTEC staff are very dedicated and this would not be a success without them.
"BTECs are a way of providing a broader curriculum for students through applied subjects."