Leicester Science Festival
The large group of students was divided into two smaller groups, with one group attending a forensic workshop while the other group went to the Lab in a lorry where they investigated physics.
Throughout the day the students took part in a number of interactive experiences. They learnt about Segways which is an electric powered wheel device. All students had the opportunity to have a go on the Segway and all enjoyed this experience.
Both groups attended the workshop on the science of chocolate, the Tasar information talk and the workshop run by Twycross Zoo which looked at animal conservation and the care of animals. They had the opportunity to touch a chinchilla, a lizard and a snake but could only look at the tarantella spider.
There was an interactive exhibition for all students to look around which included more information on forensics with Leicestershire police force; recycling with the education waste unit; how cooking oil can be turned into diesel to power a school mini bus and how computers are used to take photos and print them on to items - some of the students make mouse mats with their pictures on. There were also two stands where exhibitors were doing fun and exciting experiments, including how to make sherbet.
KSA was the only school from Kettering to attend the event and attracted a lot of media attention.
Work related learning and Enterprise Coordinator Jenny Brackwell said: "It is important to get students interested in Science to show them how relevant it is in their lives and the world outside the classroom. Science can be linked to every career and the skills they learn in Science lessons can be applied to other areas of their lives.
"As we are a specialist Science Academy we feel it is important for children to experience science in as many different arenas as possible. We hope that Leicester Science Festival will display science in an exciting way and will inspire the children when they return to the classroom."
Article by Jenny Brackwell - Workplace Learning and Enterprise Coordinator