Who Dunnit? Murder Mystery Gets Year 7 Thinking
Year 7's ICU challenge saw them use forensic science techniques to examine the evidence and draw on their English skills to write up their interviews.
It started with a convincing performance by sixth formers as the family members who discovered the scene and a short video of events leading up to the murder.
In the science labs, students examined the size of maggots to determine how much time had passed since the victim's death.
They also carried out tests on the stomach contents to see if it contained starch, lipids or protein, which helped them to work out if the victim had eaten his last meal in a steak house, a pizza restaurant or a fish and chip shop.
Students later used their drama skills to stage their own version of events.
Sam McGoogan said: "It was fun to interview the suspects and find the murder weapons. It's not something you normally do in school."