Summer Examinations Start
As well as employing traditional revision methods students are also being directed to the useful on line revision site I Am Learning.
The site is a motivational games based learning site, which has a wide range of questions and also produces reports and feedback data so that students can check their progress.
Key Stage 4 manager Hazel Dodd said: "Coming up to your final exams can be a very stressful time and all you hear is revise, revise, revise! These people know what they're talking about - all revision however you do it will be useful.
"Even if it's just a quick flashcard test by mum, dad, sister or brother at the breakfast table it can all help you be as prepared as possible for your exams."
The details that need to be entered to access the site are:
School ID: kenn15
Username: firstnamesurname
Password: date of birth (dd/mm/yyyy) unless you have already set your own password.
The link to the site is
The full list of examinations with dates and times is posted on the website.
Click here to go to page.