Pupils Welcome German Visitors for Comenius Programme
Earlier this year, KSA successfully applied to the British Council's Comenius scheme, which aims to promote young people's knowledge and understanding of European cultures and languages, as well as helping schools to strengthen the European dimension to their curriculum.
Two German students - Carolin Wagner and Katharina Hummel (pictured front)- arrived today, joined by members of staff from their school, Gymnasium Balingen.
During their three days here, they will work with KSA pupils on a cross-curricular project to design a medal for the Academy's upcoming Fun Run in November. The group will work together to come up with a final design that will incorporate ideas from each school, including designs sent on email from KSA's other partner school, Le Portalet School in France. They will then be responsible for sourcing a company that can manufacture the medals, on time and within budget.
Design and Technology teacher Harpreet Kooner led the activity, saying: "They started by creating mood boards, looking at shapes and colours for the medal. They each have to come up with a different design and between them, pick the best ones and over-lay them. They then have to call a number of companies to get the best price for 500 medals to ready in time for the Fun Run."
Year 10 pupil Ethan Ryan was among those chosen to take part. He said: "It's a good opportunity to improve your language and communication skills."
Martha Reynolds added: "We're also learning skills for business."
Modern Foreign Languages teacher Aine McAllister is developing the Comenius programme for KSA, which will see pupils commit to a two-year project. There will also be a chance for pupils to visit the Ardèche region in south east France and Balingen in Germany.