Students Progress on The Heroes Journey
More than 100 students from Years 9 to 13 are involved in the Heroes Programme, which has been running since the start of September.
Devised and led by the personal development organisation Human Utopia, the programme encourages students to develop positive life skills and to act as an example to younger students.
Last week, students from Years 9 to 11 took part in a day-long workshop with their contemporaries from sister Academy Corby Business Academy.
The Sweetspot Training was aimed at making the students look at their passion and then they were tasked with devising a programme of activities to help promote their passion to other pupils.
At the end of the day the teams presented their ideas to the group.
Carlo Missirian, a former teacher and founder of Human Utopia, said: "Since we have been running the Heroes Journey here at Kettering Science Academy we have seen a lot of changes with many students.
"They have seen their self esteem grow and also their aspirations.
"The students have risen to each of the challenges we have given them throughout the programme."
Year 11 student Ashleigh Towns (pictured with Year 10 student Chloe Murphy) said: "The Heroes Journey programme has really helped me personally. It is not about making sure that everyone is perfect but that you help yourself to realise your ambitions and develop in a positive way."
The students have also been working younger students from the Primary Phase - delivering the heroes programme to small groups.
In line with this, a three-day harmony camp will be held during the summer break, in which students will work with Year 6 students who will be moving into Year 7 in September.