Connecting Our Year 11 Students To The Next Step
Personal Advisors Karen Westley and Alan Sheffield have been holding workshops and one-to-one sessions with our students since the start of the Academic year.
Their role has been to offer information, advice and guidance to the students as they move towards their GCSE exams and start thinking about their options for the years ahead.
They have worked with almost 50 per cent of the 187 year students in the year group.
Karen said: "Our job is to make the young people aware of what the options are out there for them and what is available within the area, whether it be about further education, training or employment.
"We will work with the students and help them in whatever area, they may need it, be it personal or educational.
"And we are available to give help all year round. We will be on hand after GCSE results day to help any students who may not have received the required grades, or may have had a re-think about what they want to do."
Connexions offer three levels of service to students. The universal service offers information and guidance; the enhanced service is a one-to-one service and the intensive service, gives a more in-depth level of support.
Work related Learning and Enterprise Coordinator Jenny Brackwell said: "Our two Personal Advisors from Connexions have done an excellent job in interviewing all Year 11 students who have requested interviews.
"They have delivered group sessions to students who are applying to college in which they helped them with the application process and informed them about the interview and follow up process. In individual interviews they have given students information so that they can make informed decisions regarding their Post 16 choices.
"The partnership between Connexions and KSA is good and we hope to strengthen it further in the coming year."
All advice offered is impartial and confidential.
Outside of the Academy arrangement, students can call the Connexions Kettering office on 01536 513862 to make an appointment and can also access the drop in sessions held daily at their Connexions office in Dalkeith Place.
These are currently held on Monday to Wednesday from 1pm to 4pm and on Thursday to Friday from 10am to 1pm.