University Week: Discover the Facts about University Life
It will start with a University Information Day on Saturday 2nd February from 9.30am to 1pm which is aimed at years 11 and 12 and their parents but is also open to younger students and their families. Information will be given about the cost of going to university and the funding available. There will also be talks from individuals who graduated in subjects such as engineering, law and media, with their perspective on how university shaped their life.
Gifted and talented students in years 9 and 10 will get involved in the University Information Day by researching different universities and producing displays for parents.
It will be followed by a week-long focus when visiting speakers and KSA staff will give talks to Sixth Formers and Year 11 students about their degrees and subject areas. It will cover courses that are new to students as well as subjects they already study in school. There will also be a focus on higher education during CAPS.
Maths teacher Sophia Parkinson and English teacher Tom Preston have organised the events to ensure students are more informed about their options.
Miss Parkinson said: "The idea is to inspire students and provide information to families about going to university. We want to show younger students in Key Stage 3 and those in Key Stage 4 why it's important to get good grades and what it can take you on to. We want to give them the information earlier, instead of waiting until Sixth Form, because we think there are a lot of misconceptions about going to university."
Last year, younger students visited Cambridge to give them a taste of university life and to encourage them to start thinking about their next steps.
Families who are interested in attending the University Information Day on Saturday 2nd February should email Miss Parkinson on