Houses Get Competitive for World Book Day Quiz
Each of the five house teams - made up of students and staff - showed their competitive side as they battled to take the winner's position.
Librarian Heidi Economou and assistant librarian Emily Scott read out a series of questions and teams had to buzz in to answer. It soon became animated, with houses taking great delight in scoring a point. Student librarians Mykala Durkan and Leah McAllister also got involved and read out the final round of questions.
Da Vinci achieved the highest amount of points and were crowned the winners - much to the delight of Head of House Hazel Dodd.
Mrs Economou said: "I think we marked World Book Day in style. Holding events like this challenges people's perceptions of libraries and how libraries can bring people together, especially on such a prestigious day. It also showed us that competitive nature is alive and kicking at KSA."
A free World Book Day app is available and can also be used to scan students' £1 book token to play an animation.