Girls’ Football Team District Champions
KSA saw another girls’ football team win the league this term – this time it was the turn of the Year 9 and 10 players.
They played five games against teams in the Kettering/Corby district, winning three to become champions. Special mention must go to Year 8s Alicia Pickering and Katie Deacon, the youngest players who took on sixth formers when they competed against senior teams.
Other players making up the team are Erin McNamara (captain), Megan Wilkinson, Ocean Davies-Dolman, Victoria Firman and Jessica Firman. Top goal scorer was captain Erin McNamara.
PE teacher Angela Charlton said: "It was snowing for some of their matches so they were freezing but they just got out there and got on with it. They always work hard."
It follows the success of the Year 7 and 8 girls' team just before Christmas, who were also crowned district champions.