Reading Buddies Required for Summer Reading Challenge
From July 13th, all 36 libraries in Northamptonshire will be challenging children to read six books during the summer holidays.
The libraries are calling on teenagers to volunteer and assist children who are taking part.
It will give young people great experience for UCAS forms and CVs and the volunteer hours also count towards the Duke of Edinburgh Award. Volunteers will be entered into a prize draw to win a behind-the-scenes experience, one of which is a tour of Rockingham Speedway as part of their Dunlop MSA British Touring Car Championship.
The idea of the Summer Reading Challenge is to encourage children to read for fun - they will receive rewards for taking part. The volunteers will be on hand to join children in the challenge, talk to them about what they have read, help them choose other books to read, assist with activities or just to help them enjoy the experience of visiting the library.
Volunteers will be offered training and will be asked to commit to 10-15 hours (or more) volunteer activity over the summer holiday in their local library. Training will be offered early in July. Volunteers will receive a certificate to show they have taken part and there is also an opportunity to receive accreditation from Vinspired if you are 16 or 17.
For further information on the role read the following:
Summer Reading Challenge volunteering opportunity
How to apply
If you would like to apply to volunteer for the Summer Reading Challenge, please complete the online application form. Last date for applications to be received is Monday 24th June 2013.
If you need help to in applying for the role, writing a CV, or just want more information pop down to the Academy library and speak to Mrs Economou or Ms Scott.