Parents ask for More Written Reports
The comments and views from parents of KSA students are to be taken into consideration for the development of future Academy reports.
The comments and views from parents of KSA students are to be taken into consideration for the development of future Academy reports.
A group of 12 parents attended a meeting last Thursday, 3rd July to feedback and discuss their opinions on the reporting of their child’s progress at KSA during the academic year.
The feedback meeting was chaired by Vice Principal responsible for Progress, Standards and Quality Assurance, Martin Shepherd.
Speaking after meeting, Mr Shepherd said: “The meeting was beneficial, informative, and very useful. It is important to get parental views on such issues as the best ways of communicating their child’s progress to them throughout the year.
“What was very evident from the meeting was the parents’ request to receive more written communication on their child’s progress but at the same time looking at ways to simplify the reporting and relaying of the data to parents relating to their progress.”
He added: “All of these changes will be looked at for implementing in the near future. We will also be encouraging tutors to write more down about individual students’ progress as well to feedback to their parents.”
The new more detailed written reports are looking to be produced and be sent home to parents in between the dates of Year groups' parent evenings.