Arrangements for the Start of The New Academic Year

The Academy re-opens for the start of a new academic year on Thursday, 4th September.
The Academy re-opens for the start of a new academic year on Thursday, 4th September.
Families are being reminded that on this first day of the new term not every student starts back at the same time.
The new Year 7 students are being invited in at the normal time of 8.40am and are being asked to assemble in the Main Hall (Theatre).
The rest of the school, Years 8, 9, 10, 11 and 13 are being asked to go straight to their form rooms for 10.00am. Breakfast will not be available for these students on this first day.
Lessons will start at 11.35am.
Students who use the Broughton bus are being asked to go straight to their form rooms at 8.45am.
Year 12 students start back on Friday, 5th September at 8.40am.
Letters have been sent home reminding families about the importance of students attending the Academy on time and for the proper uniform to be worn.
View the letter about the arrangements for start of the new year on the Letters page.