Goodbye To Year 13
A leavers' assembly was held for Year 13 students to celebrate their achievements and to reflect on the time they have spent at the Academy.
A leavers' wall was created which displayed photographs of them when they first started in Year 7 alongside pictures of them now.
The year group then had tea and cake together for the last time.
Jane Watson, Head of Sixth Form, said: "They are a lovely group of young people with lots of academic potential still to be explored at university. Some are going to Scotland to study but most have opted for English universities to study for their degrees. A few students are following apprenticeships and hope to achieve their career aspirations that way.
"I would like to take this opportunity to wish all these students good luck in the future."
She added: "Examinations seem to have gone well - students have been reporting they were well prepared and able to do the papers set."
A Level results day is Thursday, August 19th.
Students can collect results from the school between 10am and midday or alternatively can leave their information with the examination officer so they can be posted or e-mailed out to them.