Crazy Hats Fundraisers

Year 13 students are fundraising for the Crazy Hats Breast Cancer Appeal and two students have signed up to take part in the charity’s annual walk around Wicksteed Park in March.
Year 13 students are fundraising for the Crazy Hats Breast Cancer Appeal and two students have signed up to take part in the charity’s annual walk around Wicksteed Park in March.
The students, Linda Ike and Jospin Sebastian Ramesh are holding a charity stall in the restaurant after school this week on Thursday and Friday, but they will also be going around to form groups selling pin badges, pens and wristbands to students during CAPS time in aid of the appeal.
Both girls are running the stall part of their A-Level studies, but they have also decided to enter the annual Crazy Hats Walk around Wicksteed Park on Sunday, March 22nd.
For Jospin it will be her second time of taking part in the walk and she said: “It is a lot of fun and I am walking it again with a group of friends.
It will be Linda’s first time and she agreed she is looking forward to taking part.
The students also have leaflets and flyers explaining more about the walk and how others can get involved with the event.