Apprenticeship Information Evenings

Students in Years 9-13 are being invited to attend Apprenticeship Information Evenings being held throughout the county from later this month.
Students in Years 9-13 are being invited to attend Apprenticeship Information Evenings being held throughout the county from later this month.
The invitation is being sent out to students at Kettering Science Academy to go along to the information and awareness evenings hosted by Horizons (the company delivering Connexions) in partnership with Northamptonshire County Council.
At the evening events, being held at a number of venues in Northamptonshire, families will be able to find out more about the range of apprenticeship opportunities on offer for young people in the area.
Information will be provided by local employers, training providers, Northampton Enterprise Partnership and young apprentices at the events.
For more information and to book seats at the events visit the website at:
Click here for the event flyer