Maths Awards

Students in Years 7 & 8 have been awarded for their maths problem solving skills with one student’s high scoring test results allowing him to take part in a further maths challenge this month.
Students in Years 7 & 8 have been awarded for their maths problem solving skills with one student’s high scoring test results allowing him to take part in a further maths challenge this month.
During last term students from Years 7 and 8 took part in the Junior Maths Challenge and were tested on mathematical problem solving and application.
A total of 16 students from Kettering Science Academy were awarded certificates.
Gold Certificates went to: Bernard Dec, Owen Wilson and Luke O'Hara (Year 8), which puts them in the top 7 per cent of those students nationally that received top marks.
Silver Certificates for: Joseph Prideaux, Joseph Connolly and Sam Reed (Year 7) .
Bronze Certificates for Austin Reed, Stephanie Lefter, Harvey Coe, Karina Deptula and Ben Potts (Year 8) and Kyle Bayes, Bradley Gondolosi, Charles Fleuster, Ben Walpole and Bailey McBride (Year 7).
Maths teacher at KSA, Mr Stephen Ready said: “Bernard Dec's outstanding score was also enough to qualify him for the Junior Mathematical Olympiad - a further challenge this month aimed at the most capable mathematicians in the country.These results gives a positive reflection of the amount of mathematical talent that exists in years 7 and 8 in KSA, not to mention in other year groups.”