Physics Event

A group of Year 9 students who are gifted in science took part in a special Physics event at Uppingham Community College earlier this month.
A group of Year 9 Students who are gifted in science took part in a special physics event at Uppingham Community College earlier this month.
The four students attended the 'Phantastic in Physics' event run by the Institute of Physics on Friday, July 3rdand during the day they were set a number of challenges as a team.
Science Teacher, Miss Louise Oliver said: “The event was packed with lots of exciting experiments and investigations. Pupils earned points for correct answers, graphs and conclusions.
“They produced a poster based upon one of the investigations to show their physics knowledge. Our students chose the electromagnetic spectrum, inspired by the investigation into light intensity.”
Miss Oliver added: “Our students didn't finish in the top places, but were brilliant representatives for KSA and had a really good time.”
The Year 9 students representing the Academy were: Ishan Tailor, Kristyn Linning, Harrison Moss and Ben Richards.