Success For Maths Challenge
A Year 8 Student has been awarded top marks in a further maths challenge.
A Year 8 Student has been awarded top marks in a further maths challenge.
Bernard Dec excelled when he took part in the Junior Mathematical Olympiad.
The competition is offered to 1,000 best entries of the Junior Mathematics Challenge in the country and Bernard sat the further maths test paper at the Academy in June.The results are now in and he was awarded a distinction, putting him in the top 25 per cent of all entries nationwide.
Maths teacher at KSA, Stephen Ready said: “This is a fantastic achievement and shows his outstanding mathematical and problem solving abilities.”
Bernard said: “I am very proud to be the only student from the academy to be selected to take the Olympiad paper and I was really pleased to get to this stage. I did find the further maths paper a challenge with some tough questions, but I just tried to solve them all. I was really pleased to be awarded a distinction for my efforts.”
Bernard added that mathematics is his favourite subject and he is already working on some A-level maths work in class.
Click on thefollowing link to view the test Bernard took: