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Young Leaders

A Young Leaders initiative has been launched at the Academy with students taking a lead role in encouraging their peers to take part in more sporting activities.

A Young Leaders initiative has been launched at the Academy with students taking a lead role in encouraging their peers to take part in more sporting activities.
On Friday, 2nd October, the 100 Young Leaders from across the Brooke Weston Trust’s secondary schools met together at KSA to learn more about their roles as sports ambassadors.
Students from Corby Technology School, Corby Business Academy, Brooke Weston Academy, Thomas Clarkson Academy and Kettering Science Academy were all present at the event.
The Brooke Weston Trust Young Leaders scheme is a ‘leading to learn’ programme which is being rolled out within the schools to support the PE departments and forms part of the Trust’s Sports Strategy.
Director of Sport for the Brooke Weston Trust and lead organiser for the Young Leaders programme, Miss Kirstie Smith said: “The BWT Young Leader Pathway aims to help pupils develop leadership skills such as organisation, communication and teamwork, as well as helping to build confidence and self-esteem as they take on responsibility of leading, coaching and officiating their peers and younger children.”
The Young Leaders will be encouraged to take an active role within their academies and will be responsible for sports festivals, assemblies, coaching, inspiring and setting a good example for others.
The students from Years 8 through to 10 had been selected for having outstanding qualities and for demonstrating a commitment to the PE department.
At the launch event the Young Leaders had a chance to experience coaching advice on tag rugby, volleyball, football and Project Ability, when they looked at how they could use their role to assist students that are less able to enjoy sports due to a physical disability.
 Head of PE at Kettering Science Academy, Mr Lee Haywood said: “It has been a great honour for KSA to be able to facilitate this launch event for this new and exciting venture for students who have shown the right attitude and enthusiasm towards sport as part of the curriculum. The programme is also good for Trust’s PE department as whole with the aim to engage more students in sporting activities. It is a very exciting project for all those individuals involved, especially for the Year 8 and 9 students who will have the roles for longer than a year.”
Young Leader, Year 9 student Jordan Fowler from Corby Technology School said: “It has been a really good event and it is has been great to meet with all the other Young Leaders. I am hoping the programme will help me to develop in confidence and it will provide me with new skills and important experience to help me in the future.”

The Trust’s Young Leaders will have first-hand experience in their new roles as they are being asked to officiate at the Year 7 Inter-Trust Sports Festival taking place later today, Thursday, 8th October at KSA.