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New Head of Science

The new head of Science at the Academy is excited about what can be achieved within the department going forward.  


The new head of Science at the Academy is excited about what can be achieved within the department going forward.  
Mr Kevan Fryett has now been at the Secondary Phase for his first term and he said he is pleased how things are going so far in his new role.
Mr Fryett has joined the school after being Curriculum Leader at the Thomas Deacon Academy in Peterborough, he said: “It has been a real change being at a new school, which is full of new challenges and I have come on board when a lot of development has been going on within the science department. I have also started at the same time as several new members of  teaching staff in science and we are finding our feet together.”
He added: “It is definitely the year for the science department. We have a great team of staff that are all working well together to encourage students, provide them with support and change their attitudes towards science as a subject.
“We are trying to get the message over to the students that the staff are here for them and we are working on engaging them with more exciting lessons to be delivered by the fantastic teachers within the department.”
He added that the team will also be looking more at cross curriculum lessons and looking at the links between mathematics and information technology as part of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), an educational initiative which looks to promote the advantages of having science along with the other qualifications to help secure future careers.
He added: “We are also looking at teaching the science of sports with crossover lessons with PE, which we also hope will further help to enable more engagement of students in science lessons.
“I am finding working at KSA very interesting and different from working at an inner-city school. It has been a great first term and I am enjoying my new role. I am also enjoying my being a form teacher for a Year 10 group of students. I am excited for the future of the school as a whole and in particular for the science department.”