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Anti-Bullying Week

The message from the year group assemblies this week has been about the importance of stamping out bullying together.


The message from the year group assemblies this week has been about the importance of stamping out bullying together.
Vice Principal at the Secondary Phase at KSA , Mr Tony Segalini has been leading the assemblies every day and he has been reminding students about the Academy’s stance on not tolerating bullying in any form.
Mr Segalini on Tuesday addressed the Year 9 students about the different types of bullying from verbal to physical abuse through to bullying via the internet.
He said: “This week is National Anti-Bullying Week and we want to remind you about our stance on bullying, what we are doing to stamp it out  and what we can all do about it.”
Mr Segalini read out a list of alarming statistics and stated how 69 per cent of young people in the UK are bullied before the age of 18 years old.
He went on to explain how bullying can also affect a person’s self-esteem and impact on their learning and education as it could mean that an individual doesn’t  want to come into school as a result.
He also said how sometimes bullying can also lead to some youngsters having suicidal thoughts.
On the subject of cyberbullying Mr Segalini said: “Cyberbullying is on the increase and there is more bullying taking place through Facebook than physical bullying. It is a real issue, something you really do need to think about when you are sending your next text or a message on Facebook.”
He added: “Bullying is a real issue as these statistics show and affects 7 out of 10 of us every single day. You do not come to school be bullied. If you feel like you are being bullied we ask you to help us do something about it and we want you to tell someone so we can stop it happening.”
Students were reminded to report incidents of bullying to their form teachers, one of the school’s Student Support Officers, their Head of Year, a member of the Senior Management Team or online via the Sharp System on the KSA website.